Ernsting’s Family Campus

Coesfeld (DE)

Ernsting’s Family Campus

Coesfeld (DE)

year of implementation

1999 – 2006


Business gardens


surface area

32100 m2

Wirtz International had the opportunity to design the landscape for a new modern building, and link it with the other existing buildings on the site.

In 2001, the English architect David Chipperfield completed a new service center and warehouse for the German clothing retailer Ernsting. Chipperfield’s finely detailed building – long and low, only two story’s high, with much glass, a grey surface and sharp edges – was the latest of a group of three buildings on the campus.

The visitors’ car park outside the new offices is hedged in beech and the courtyard leading to the entrance is ornamented with a single splendid Paulownia tomentosa – a low-key but elegant prelude to the building. Flowing about the end of the building is a sea of Pennisetum alopecuroides, with ornamental trees such as Malus toringo subsp. sargentii and Cornus kousa.

Between the main building and the single-story warehouse, beautifully kept turf rises from time to time into sensuous mounds, and great curved banks of pennisetum are disposed about the lawn, clasp an circular pool, and are used to unite the buildings on the site.

The landscape is characterized by a firm pattern with fine planting consisting of a strong underlying theme of turf mounds and ornamental grass banks, enriched by excellent trees.