New York (US)
2011 – heden
Private gardens
32 500 m2
This private garden in New York has a long gracious driveway in gravel, surrounded by a dune-like sea of Japanese Silver Grass (Miscanthus), guides the owners of this beautiful 8 acres estate to the entrance of their home. Forty Japanese pagoda trees (Sophora japonica ‘Regent’) have been planted to line both sides of the long driveway. The straight trunk and wide oval crown of these trees creates a clear structure. The double row of beech hedges reinforces the visual effect of the curving driveway.
The driveway ends at the gravel motor court where cars can be parked out of sight, under the foliage of the oak trees (Quercus imbricaria). These box head oaks have cubed shaped, trained heads atop their clear stems. From the main entrance they lead the viewer’s eye towards the raised pond with fountain which is on axis with the center of the house. The pond, surrounded by a low evergreen hedge, is a real eye-catcher.
The structured cutting garden, with a large variety of flowering plants, is positioned between the house and the adjacent pool house. The sleek pool with terrace is situated directly next to it. The large, rounded massifs of evergreen boxwood around the pool not only create an interesting contrast but also provide the desired privacy. This part of the garden offers a variety of intimate corners, formal surfaces and wide views to the park-like surroundings and the adjacent creek which flows to the Atlantic Ocean.
On the North- and Westside of the house three elongated grass stairs connect the house with the lower part of the garden. In addition, the stairs form a gradual transition to a more natural part of the estate with large, uniform groups of ornamental grasses. These ornamental grasses fit perfectly into the natural surroundings of the ‘wetlands’ behind and create a loose but striking appearance. By working with big movements and ensuring a clear unity, we were able to create a unique outdoor space with a strong character.